Why is it important to mow my lawn regularly in Cuyahoga Falls OH?

Most homeowners understand the importance of mowing and trimming to add beauty to their home. Many do not realize the vital role maintenance plays in the actual health of their lawn.
One of the most important aspects of maintaining a well established lawn is mowing on a regular basis. When the lawn is left uncut for extended periods of time, it allows weeds to to mature in the lawn. This allows them to spread seeds and produce even more weeds. With a regular mowing cycle, it not only prevents the weeds from maturing and producing seeds but it allows the grass itself to flourish and assist in choking out the weeds for the nutrients the weeds need to grow.
Keep the lawn strong with regular maintenance in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
Another important reason for having the lawn mowed often and on a schedule is how grass reacts when you cut it. With almost all kinds of grasses, cutting off more than 1/3 of the length of a blade of the grass is very stressful for the lawn. Everyone has seen a lawn that has been left untamed for an extended period of time. When it is finally cut to the proper height, the lawn will turn yellowish-brown. This will weaken the lawn severely and not only can stunt the grasses growth, but can also be deadly to portions of the lawn or possibly all of it in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio.
If you would like to hire a professional company for lawn mowing services call 4 Seasons Services for a free estimate at: 330-620-6200