If you would like to submit payment in the form of a check
Please mail payments to:
4 Seasons Services
P.O. Box 26404
Akron, Ohio 44319

If you would prefer to pay by credit/debit card you can do so in 4 easy and secured steps:
1. Click on the Buy Now button. You will then be taken to PayPal's site.
2. Enter a description in the space provided. Example Description: Monthly mowing services for June 2012
3.Enter the amount to be paid in the Item Price box. Then click on Update to create your invoice.
4.Finally a log in screen will appear. If you have a Paypal account, Sign In and check out. If you do Not have a PayPal account click on the Pay with Debit or Credit Card tab to make a one-time credit/debit card purchase or to use an electronic check.

Thank you for your payment. We Greatly Appreciate your business.
If you have any questions regarding payment or if the online bill pay option is not functioning properly please contact us.