Watering your Lawn in Hudson Ohio

Tips for watering your lawn in Hudson Ohio

You should be watering your lawn for 30-40 minutes per section 2-3 times per week in Hudson Ohio. This gives your lawn a good
deep root watering every time you water. This allows the water to seep all the way down the root system and promote deep root growth. This also will ensure that the lawn is getting the proper amount of nutrients. You only need to water a few times a week when you water for longer periods. It will take a longer period of time for the soil to dry out.


Myth Busters

It is a common myth that the more water is better. This is not the case, the more water in your lawn the more issues you can be bringing to the lawn. By using to much water your lawn you run the risk of leaving moisture in the lawn encouraging fungal growth, or you could flood the lawn with water and wash away nutrients that the lawn needs to survive.

Especially in the Summer when the lawn is under an enormous amount of heat stress.  The last thing the lawn needs is our cultural practices adding to the stress and making more of a problem. For example, if your mowing the lawn with a mower with dull blades that are not cutting properly and will cause the blades of grass to become jagged and those jagged edges are what creates a better opening for the disease to enter into your lawn. Or mowing the lawn to short can cause browning and thinning of the grass making the lawn more of a target for lawn disease, weeds, and insect damage.


A full, thick lawn is the best defense to all these lawn problems in Hudson Ohio.

If you start to notice your grass suffering from heat stress you should focus on your cultural practices. Make sure you have a proper effective schedule for watering. Also, make sure the lawn is being mowed at the correct height and with sharp blades. If your grass does become dormant because of the weather and you begin to water, you need to continually water the lawn regularly.

The lawn uses up its food reserve in the root system to become active again. You need to give it the time it needs to regain that reserve and not cause further stress. Please remember that a great healthy lawn takes time and patience. In some cases, it could take a lawn up to a month to start showing signs of “life” again and green up. It is greatly recommended to reseed your lawn after the drought and heat stress has subsided in the fall. For a wonderful landscape it is important to keep up with rejuvenating the grass, and keeping your lawn young to fight off the stresses a lawn can endure.

Ready to find out more?

For all your landscape and lawn care needs give 4 Seasons Services a call at: 330-620-6200