Mole and Vole Treatment

4 Seasons Services offers mole and vole treatments in the local area. Moles are burrowing mammals that like to often inhabit residential lawns. They are very common in Ohio and are present in most lawns to one degree or another. Their tunneling can tear the roots of turf causing extensive damage to your lawn. However, this process does aide in the aeration of the lawns soil. These animals are insectivores, with earthworms being their main food source. We have applications within 4 Seasons Services programs help to control moles.

Voles are a small rodents closely resembling mice. They are burrowing animals and will damage the turf tending to tunnel in grass near the edges of mulch beds and in old tunnels of moles. Voles feed on the roots of ornamentals causing damage to landscaped areas and the turf. Their presence is often characterized by small holes in the mulched areas serving as entrance ways to underground tunnels everywhere.

Grub control applications alone will not get rid of moles. Grubs are their second favorite food next to earthworms. You must do other lawn applications for moles and voles to make their environment in the lawn an unsustainable and uncomfortable environment for them. If you are interested in mole and vole treatments contact 4 Seasons Services today.

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